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Discover “TRANSITIONS” – Urban Art Group Exhibition



2B Art Gallery is closing down the great and very successful year with another magnificent celebration of urban art. The “TRANSITIONS” group exhibition brings together the works of seventeen national and international artists on the same stage, a unique space that links the distance between the wall and the inner wall.

TRANSITIONS Group exhibition
TRANSITIONS Group exhibition

Seventeen urban art artists present new and thought-provoking contemporary works to the public at the 2B Art Gallery. Starting on December 15, 2022, the “TRANSITIONS” group exhibition will be on view until February 17, 2023. The participating artists are Nick Walker, Carolina Adán, Joan Aguiló, The Dotmaster, Dadara, Ben Eine, Buffmonster, The London Police, Nerone, El Pez, TwoFlü, Gràcia Ribalaiga, Sabek, setdebelleza, Ruth M. Scheibler, SheOne and Stinkfish.

An original artwork by Nick Walker entitled Chameleon
Nick Walker – Chameleon painting

The “TRANSITIONS” group exhibition invites audiences to experience a unique range of artworks. Spanning multiple artistic mediums, including painting, sculpture, and limited edition prints. Highlighting the best of urban art, this exhibition will take you on a journey through this all-encompassing art genre. Each of the seventeen artists is bringing something different to the show, making it a one-of-a-kind experience. Although their approaches are poles apart, their richly layered art is part of the tool that carries plenty of social value being influenced by the context that surrounds artists.

An image of an original artwork by SheOne - [RAW JIVE 4]
SheOne – [RAW JIVE 4] painting

The powerful artistic voices of these seventeen artists hail from all over the world, and their works, practices, and artistic visions show the strength and impact of urban art on our society. The highlight of the exhibition will be the release of three new limited edition artworks by Carolina Adán, TwoFlü, and setdebelleza.

An original artwork by setdebelleza - Fantastic
setdebelleza – Fantastic painting

The bold artistic visions of these artists begin from particularities of time and place to engage in pertinent global conversations. Their unique works intertwine various media, materials, and perspectives in distinctive ways to reflect on past realities and imagine possible futures.

An original artwork by Dadara entitled Mindflowness
Dadara – Mindflowness painting

This unique group exhibition is rooted in the lived experience of the artists. The work on display reflects their diverse backgrounds and unique ways of seeing, thinking, and being in the world, expanding on what it means to be an “urban” artist. The multidisciplinary projects encompass a range of creative practices, from painting to activism, sculpture, and institutional critique.

An image of a mixed media artwork by Twoflü - Alegría
Twoflü – Alegría painting

Photos: setdebelleza


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