Dotmsters, Buff Monster, SheOne and The London Police collage image

We Asked Famous Street Artists What Art They Collect



Ever wonder what art famous street artists collect? What’s on their walls, what type of art they are fond of, or what would be in their dream art collection? Well, we asked them to show us their art collections.

Buff Monster's mural in Jersey City
Buff Monster’s gigantic mural, Jersey City, 2016

When they’re not busy painting the walls around the world with, these guys have built throughout their careers some awesome art collections. One thing is clear – many famous street artists appear to confirm the stereotype as their art collections are dominated by the paintings and prints of their fellow peers. Can’t blame them, right?

So, let’s get this show on the road. From Buff Monster and The London Police to Dotmaster and SheOne, we have asked these famous street artists what art they collect and what’s on their walls.

Buff Monster

Buff Monster's art collection
Buff Monster’s art collection

Let’s kick off this list with something quite interesting. Did you know Buff Monster is an avid art collector? But did his artistic eye influence his collecting, or did his collections inspire his art?

Buff Monster is a household name and of the leading artists of street art movement. Buff Monster‘s unique characters are brightly colored and gooey. They melt, they are lovable, they are ice-creamy, they are goofy, and they are so sweet. And they will make you go “aww”. But while he was building his reputation in the art world, Buff Monster was also amassing an amazing collection of wonderful artworks. And we asked him to reveal his art collection and what’s on his walls.

Buff Monster's art wall
Buff Monster’s art wall

“Since I’ve collected so many little pieces over the years, that’s what is mostly on the walls right now. As you can see, the pieces are from various street artists and/ or other friends. Bright colors and/or cartoony characters are particularly appealing to me (which I’m sure comes as no surprise).”

Buff Monster
Buff Monster's art toys collection
Buff Monster’s art toys collection

“I also have tons of other toys, but I don’t have enough display cases at home to show them all. In addition to all of this, I have a big collection of Garbage Pail Kids art from the mid 1980’s. Those original art pieces (pencil sketches, color roughs and final paintings) are a nice way to connect back to those cards that have always had a big influence on me.”

Buff Monster
Buff Monster's art collection
Buff Monster’s art collection

The London Police

The rock stars in the art world, The London Police are two great guys with an even greater passion for art. Through their famous characters called ‘Lads’, Chaz Barrisson and Bob Gibson are beautifying the world, one mural at a time. But what art tempts them? What is on their walls?

Jaune's artwork from Bob's art collection
Jaune’s artwork from Bob’s art collection

As Bob tends to collect more art than Chaz, Bob was our man for this topic. Take a look at these amazing artworks that are gracing Bob’s walls. From Ron English and Jaune to Pixel Pancho and Mr. Penfold (and much much more), Bob from The London Police has a seriously cool and versatile art collection.

Ron English's artwork from The London Police's Bob art collection
Ron English’s artwork from The London Police’s Bob art collection

“My modest art collection comprises mostly of work from artists that I know personally. I like the link between knowing and respecting the artist and the work they produce. I buy work purely on the gut reaction and nothing else. If it makes an impact then I have to have it.”

Bob Gibson, The London Police
Pixel Pancho's artwork from The London Police's Bob art collection
Pixel Pancho’s artwork from The London Police’s Bob art collection
Artwork by Mr Penfold
The London Police Bob’s art collection – Mr Penfold artwork


Leon Seesix, aka The Dotmaster, is one genuinely great guy and an extraordinary artist. Some would even say an art outlaw who continuously surprises us with his savagely humorous take on popular culture and society with his amazing stencil works. All in all, Dotmaster’s impeccable art can be spotted all over the world. But what triggers this prolific street artist? What’s inside his art studio?

The Dotmaster portrait artwork by Ellice Kitty
The Dotmaster portrait artwork by Ellice Kitty

“So…Out of the art drawer (where I put the art that I have bought or been given), I pulled the top few things out to show you. It’s an eclectic mix of friends and things I’ve bought over the last few months.”

Jamie Reid - Peace Is Tough, print 2022
Dotmaster’s “Peace Is Tough” print from 2022 by Jamie Reid

“I have several Jamie Reid works, a few from the Sex Pistol days, and a couple of later works and some bits and pieces gifted when we exhibited him as part of the Nuart festival over a decade ago. Love his work, and always have. The London Police are old friends well Chaz is, I realized the other day that I didn’t have anything from them, which surprised me. So the very next release, I bought something, all their prints are amazing, and their line work is so good.”

The London Police Art Print Bruce Lee
Dotmaster’s art collection – The London Police art print

“In the studio is a mix of gifts and souvenirs from collaborations, plus a few purchases. it’s an eclectic mix of works gathered during the years of work. From Jamie Reid and Sickboy to Herakut and Nick Walker, a lot of stuff is there.”

Dotmasters art studio
Dotmaster’s art studio – This is where the magic happens


SheOne, a pioneer of European and abstract graffiti, is an old-school street artist who bears a dose of carefully cultivated classiness. Always true to himself and his style, SheOne appreciates the creative process more than the final result itself. By embracing the calling of an artist as a way of life, he has completely devoted himself to his work. Naturally, we had to wonder what kind of art this mysterious artist likes. Now, for the cherry on top of the cake, SheOne reveals his dream art collection. p.s. It is quite astonishing.

Andy Warhol - Electric Chairs, paintings
Andy Warhol – Electric Chairs, paintings

“If money and space was no object, this would be the start of a contemporary art collection that I could live with.”

Banks Violette - Vortex Installation
Banks Violette – Vortex Installation
Steven Parrino - 'Creeping Eye' paintings
Steven Parrino – ‘Creeping Eye’ paintings
Christopher Wool - 'RUN' 'DOG' painting series
Christopher Wool – ‘RUN’ ‘DOG’ painting series

This is just a part of Buff Monster, The London Police, Dotmaster, and SheOne’s phenomenal art collections, unfortunately, we couldn’t publish all artworks we have received.

Photos: Buff Monster, The London Police, Dotmaster, SheOne


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