Nick Walker - Vandalism artwork

Nick Walker Very Rare Artworks



Life’s greatest small victory is finding cash in a long-unworn coat pocket. You all know that feeling, right? Well, right now we have that feeling. Like we are on a lucky streak. To put it like this, we are right now like a dog with two tails. You may ask why?

An image of an original artwork by Nick Walker - Can
An image of an original artwork by Nick Walker – Can

Well, let us tell you why – We got some rare and highly sought-after artworks by none other than the street art legend Nick Walker.

Mariachi by Nick Walker
Mariachi by Nick Walker

The great Salvador Dali once said, “A true artist is not one who is inspired, but one who inspires others.” To put it in a nutshell, Nick Walker has inspired a small army of artists all over the world. The man who revolutionized the canons of the stencil graffiti movement in the early 1990s, more than 30 years later, Nick is still going strong, continuously upsetting the establishment.

Manhattan Bridge print by Nick Walker
Brooklyn Bridge by Nick Walker

His art tackles the great universal issues, often showing the absurdity of the system we belong to. Through his clever, thought-provoking, and nonstandard interpretations of “socially acceptable” behavior and trends, Nick’s artworks have a deep impact in a dystopian manner.

The New Yorker by Nick Walker
The New Yorker by Nick Walker

Now, more than ever before, his artworks are sought-after among collectors worldwide. Nick’s utterly brilliant art discusses mass consumption and the effects of globalism. Each of his images tells a story that helps us to better understand the world we live in.

An image of a limited edition print by Nick Walker - Baby Moll (AP)
An image of a limited edition print by Nick Walker – Baby Moll (AP)

His artworks tend to focus on sociopolitical and social issues, while his art, in general, carries a message that reflects like a beacon of hope, lighting the way and compelling us to act.

haunted love by Nick Walker
Haunted Love by Nick Walker

Nick Walker’s art is a medium for voices of social change, protest, or expressions of community desire. Through his brilliant sarcasm and socio-critical view of the world, Nick’s artworks are characterized by great details, extensive imagery, and sophistication.

boom box hand finished by Nick Walker
Boom Box by Nick Walker

They act also as a form of protest and satire, using their subtle language to enhance the spirit of the counterpart. The patterns and their difficulty, the techniques, the explosion of colors and tones in the image are true representations of Nick Walker’s artworks.

Vandalism Spring Bowler by Nick Walker
Vandalism Spring Bowler by Nick Walker

On the other hand, his art somehow plays a rebellious act part, a tool of resistance, and ammunition against corporate greed and political perversion, economic gain through independence and freedom. And that’s why we love them. And not just us, his artworks have conquered the whole world of urban art.

Finger Poppin by Nick Walker
Finger Poppin by Nick Walker

With this unique collection, we are giving contemporary art lovers and collectors a glance at the evolution of street art through some of Nick Walker‘s most prominent artworks. It’s time to taste the fruits and let the juices drip down your chins.


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