Ben Eine paintings at 2B Art Gallery

5 Simple Ways On How To Care, Clean, And Store Paintings

As an art enthusiast, you know how valuable a painting can be – both artistically and financially. Whether you’ve bought a painting for its aesthetic value or as an investment, and you’ve chosen the right frame for the painting, now it’s important to know how to care for, clean, and store it properly.

To help you preserve the beauty of your paintings for years to come, we’ve compiled a list of 5 simple ways how to care for, clean, and store paintings.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

One of the most important things you can do to protect your paintings is to keep them away from direct sunlight (also with wine bottles). Sunlight can cause the colors in a painting to fade or change over time, leading to significant damage.

An original artwork by The Dotmaster - Mona Lisa
Original artwork by The Dotmaster – Mona Lisa

To prevent this, hang your painting in a spot that is away from direct sunlight. If you’re unsure where to hang it, try consulting with a professional art installer.

Dust Regularly

Dusting your painting on a regular basis is crucial to maintaining its appearance. Accumulated dust can dull the colors and make the painting look dull and dirty.

Nick Walker - Generator, painting
Nick Walker – Generator, painting

Use a soft-bristled brush to gently remove dust from the surface of the painting. Do not use any cleaning products, as this could damage the paint. It may come as a surprise, but smoking near a painting can have adverse effects. For instance, unvarnished paintings are more vulnerable and can alter tone due to smoke and soot damage. To protect your art and reduce the risk of damage, it’s best to smoke outside. Or not to smoke at all, which is the best option.

Clean Gently

If your painting becomes soiled or dirty, it’s important to clean it carefully to avoid damaging the paint. Start by gently wiping the surface with a soft, lint-free cloth. If this doesn’t work, you can try using a damp cloth with distilled water to clean the painting. Avoid using soap or any other cleaning products, as these can damage the paint.

Original artwork by El Pez entitled Love The Streets
Original painting by El Pez entitled Love The Streets

Believe it or not, saliva has become a favored agent for cleaning paintings among museums and historians. While water can pose a risk to the artwork’s materials, saliva is better suited to prevent damage. If you decide to try this technique, be sure to use a Q-tip or cotton swab lightly moistened with saliva, rather than applying it directly to the painting.

Store Properly

It may seem boring – but knowing how to store paintings is essential. If you’re not displaying your painting, it’s important to store it properly to avoid damage. Keep your painting in a cool, dry place with low humidity to prevent the paint from cracking or peeling.

Another Totally Unexpected Discovery At 36 Degrees North by The London Police
The London Police – Another Totally Unexpected Discovery At 36 Degrees North

Avoid storing your painting in an area that is subject to extreme temperature changes or in an area that is prone to dampness. If you’re unsure how to properly store your painting, consult with a professional art storage company or a gallery.

Handle With Care

When moving or handling your painting, always do so with care. Avoid touching the painted surface, as the oil from your skin can damage the paint. Instead, handle the painting by the frame or edges. If you need to transport your painting, wrap it in acid-free paper or bubble wrap to protect it from damage.

Celebrate painting by Ben Eine
Ben Eine – Celebrate, painting

Whenever you move, ship, or store your artwork, there are inexpensive corner protectors that can make a huge difference. They’re non-abrasive, soft, and have a nice profile that stays on the frame. Yet, they’ll ensure your painting is off the ground, and absorb bumps and shocks.

By following these simple tips, you can protect your paintings and ensure they remain beautiful for years to come. Remember to always consult with a professional if you have any concerns or questions about caring for your paintings. With a little bit of care and attention, your paintings will continue to bring you joy and inspiration for years to come.

Images: The Art of Nick Walker


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